Motherhood Photography

I recently photographed a beautiful family with a bub that had just turned one. I’m in love with how the photos turned out, especially the ones with the mum as they were celebrating their breastfeeding journey so far. This may just be my favourite photo I have taken… ever. The closeness, the mum holding those 5 little toes, the dad cuddling in and the baby’s beautiful big eyes looking into mum’s.

I’m also a new mum so I could totally relate to the feeling of wanting them to stay little forever at the same time as wanting them to grow and learn. So how can we hold on to this moment? I believe it’s with photography. But not just your own iPhone snaps (these are important too), but with an artistic vision, seeing things from a different perspective and capturing it for you.

This session has sparked something inside of me that I want to explore. Motherhood photography. I love the rawness, the closeness, and these sweet little moments. Although you might not hang this shot on the wall, these images will remain with you always. Reminding you of the beautiful bond you share.

For me being a mum has fulfilled me so much, I can’t put it into words. But it’s also challenging, overwhelming and isolating. I want you to celebrate yourself, and your baby. Everyone says it but it is so true, time flies. You will never regret the photos you have taken.

Now will always be the perfect time.

Interested in a motherhood session? Contact me, I’d love to chat.

Madi x


*SPECIAL EDITION* Outhouse Motherhood Sessions


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